It exists in cities, suburbs, and rural areas across the US.
Anyone can become a victim of sex trafficking.
No matter the race, gender, age, or socioeconomic class.
Any person under 18 years old involved in a commercial sex act is automatically a victim of sex trafficking.
What is Sex Trafficking?
The recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, obtaining, patronizing, or soliciting of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act, in which the commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age.
Yes. A 2016 report on sex trafficking in San Diego County titled “Gang Involvement in Sex Trafficking in San Diego County,” details the horrors in our own backyard.
Key Findings in San Diego County:
o Sex trafficking generates an estimated $810 million annually and is the 2nd largest underground economy after drug trafficking.
o Between 8,830 – 11,773 victims are sex trafficked in San Diego each year.
o 15 years old is the average age of entry into child sex trafficking
o 80% of sex trafficking cases reviewed in the study were domestic (American)
o Sex trafficking facilitators (or pimps) control an average of 4.5 victims.
o At least 110 gangs are involved in sex trafficking. 85% of sex trafficking facilitators interviewed in the study were gang-involved.
o Recruitment of minors is happening on a large scale in high school and middle school campuses.
Often, the bonds that hold sex trafficking victims in slavery are primarily psychological and not always physical. Most victims have been manipulated to believe they are to blame for their situation, and many do not self-identify as sex trafficked victims.
Common reasons victims are unable, unwilling, or able to seek help: i. Captivity or confinement in locked rooms ii. Being guarded, watched, and controlled by a trafficker iii. Threats of violence to the victim and victim’s family iv. Fear of arrest, violence, or death v. Shame about the sexual acts they have been coerced or forced to perform vi. Intense psychological manipulation and brainwashing by the trafficker, often leading to the victim’s self-blame and loyalty to the trafficker (known as Stockholm Syndrome) vii. Financial, social, and emotional dependence on the trafficker due to long periods of control and isolation from other support structures viii. “Debts” that victims believe must be paid to the trafficker (a type of slavery known as “debt bondage”) ix. Lies, deceit, and false promises from the trafficker about a “better life” x. Lack of knowledge about social support systems and where to turn for help in the area xi. Lack of personal documents (often lost or confiscated by the trafficker) xii. Distrust of law enforcement and service providers xiii. Feelings of low self-worth, resignation, and hopelessness
How Are Pornography and Prostitution Linked To Sex Trafficking?
Prostitution and pornography are inherently exploitative industries that create a market for the buying and selling of human persons. Many victims of trafficking are coerced or forced to work as “prostitutes” in massage parlors, spas, strip clubs, hotels, street prostitution, and internet prostitution. They are manipulated and controlled by traffickers; their situation is not one of free choice or fully informed consent. Women in the sex trade endure humiliation, rape, and violence. Furthermore, the national average age of entry into the commercial sex industry is 12-14 years of age ; this is not “prostitution,” but sexual exploitation and human trafficking.
The viewing of pornography fuels sex trafficking because it produces and promotes demand for commercial sex acts and prostitution. Many victims of sex trafficking have been forced to work in the pornographic industry. Often trafficking may occur in the process of producing pornography.
Prevention Help prevent sex trafficking by promoting the sacredness of marriage, strengthening family bonds, educating on the true beauty and plan of God for human sexuality, promoting chastity, upholding the dignity of every person, and discouraging the use of pornography.
Awareness & Education Help to spread awareness about sex trafficking in your community and support survivor rescue and aftercare initiatives.
Prayer Prayer is essential. Pray for the rescue and restoration of victims, the conversion of traffickers, the transformation of our culture, and an end to modern-day slavery.