The trafficking industry does not take a summer vacation
Help us raise $80,000 for our summertime operational costs. Donations are slow to come in between July to September. With your help, you can make a difference in the lives of a survivor.
Levels of Giving
ST. BERNADETTE $1-$99 Donation - Included in a special Novena prayer by CIH staff.
ST. MARIA GORETTI $100-$499 Donation - Included in a special Novena prayer by CIH staff. - St. Bakhita Bookmark
ST. BAKHITA $500-$999 Donation - Included in a special Novena prayer by CIH staff. - St. Bakhita Bookmark - Mass offered for you
OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP $1,000-$4,999 Donation - Included in a special Novena prayer by CIH staff. - St. Bakhita Bookmark - Mass offered for you - Exclusive VIP tour of the Drop-In Center
FOUNDRESS CIRCLE $5,000-$9,999 Donation - Included in a special Novena prayer by CIH staff. - St. Bakhita Bookmark - Mass offered for you - Exclusive VIP tour of the Drop-In Center - Exclusive Foundress Circle membership
IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY $10,000+ Donation - Included in a special Novena prayer by CIH staff - St. Bakhita Bookmark - Mass offered for you - Exclusive VIP tour of the Drop-In Center - Exclusive Foundress Circle membership - Complimentary lunch with CEO, Board Members, and staff